Low Carb Recipes

  In the south we love our eggs. I grew up with fresh farm eggs into my middle adult life. We love them fried, boiled, scrambled, deviled, pouched,  It took a trip up north to Jersey for me to learn about baked eggs. Every Christmas my fiance's sister makes them Christmas morning along with pork roll on hard rolls (which I instantly developed an addiction to). I was amazed you could really bake an egg. Now I'm seeing these delicious little muffin style eggs all over the internet. I make them all the time with different variations. They are easy and with your imagination can take on different looks and taste. If you've not tried them yet and love eggs.. try them!!! Another bonus is they are excellent for low carb dieting. Usually I'll make a bunch of them Sunday night to help Monday mornings easier. Pop in the micro or toast a little in the toaster oven and your set. Be mindful, in the microwave they do tend to pop and if left too long will explode!! So watch carefully!!  These are on my love love love list!

Here I've made two batches, one with the precooked bacon slices (pic.on left) and one with pork roll (pic on right). Pork roll is not as easy to find here in the south but I did find some at Publix in the lunch meat department. It's so good though I can't describe it other than a cross between ham and bacon. Wonderful flavor!! And it comes in sliced rounds which fit perfect in the muffin tins. Just snip four little slits around the edges and then push in down into the tin, perfect!!

  • Spray muffin tins with pam or your preference
  • line with choice of meat (bacon, ham, pork roll, turkey, roast beef)
  • top with shredded cheese of your choice
  • pepper
  • bake for about 20 - 30 min's in preheated 350 degrees oven.. this may vary depending on your oven so watch the first batch.

​** changed it up with things like parsley, green onion, peppers, mushrooms.. I have another idea I'm going to try soon... if it works I'll be back. ;)




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I love to do the cooking and read stuff related to cooking on the internet. This post is very impressive for me which is about low carb recipes. You have shared the recipe for making it and now I will must try to make it with the help of this recipe.
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Low carb recipes are for

Low carb recipes are for those who want low calories in their food. This recipe is an outstanding and fabulous recipe. It seems to be very delicious which https://eduvikings.com/rushessay-com-review/ provides quality task. People should try this once in this quarantine. I love to cock and try new recipes whenever I am alone.

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